Easy Read Social Care Code

by Social Care Wales



The Code of Professional Practice for Social Care sets out the high standards expected of paid staff as they go about their daily work of supporting and caring for people in our society.The bilingual easy read Code of Professional Practice app has been developed using Photosymbol images to explain the standards.The app, which provides a simplified version of the standards expected of paid staff in their daily work, was written with the guidance of Voiceability and learning disabled colleagues. Mae’r Côd Ymarfer Proffesiynol Gofal Cymdeithasol yn nodi’r safonau uchel a ddisgwylir gan staff cyflogedig wrth iddynt wneud eu gwaith beunyddiol o gefnogi a gofalu am bobl yn ein cymdeithas.Mae’r ap Côd Ymarfer Proffesiynol dwyieithog hawdd ei ddarllen wedi’i ddatblygu gan ddefnyddio delweddau Photosymbol i egluro’r safonau.Ysgrifennwyd yr ap, syn darparu fersiwn symlach or safonau a ddisgwylir gan staff cyflogedig yn eu gwaith beunyddiol, dan arweiniad Voiceability a chydweithwyr ag anableddau dysgu.